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The establishment of the Department of Mathematics has been aimed to develop various mathematical fields and to cultivate scientific personnel with creative thinking and problem-solving skills for interdisciplinary technological development. The Institute of Applied Mathematics was set up first when National Chung Cheng University was founded in August 1989. The undergraduate program in mathematics and the Ph.D. graduate program in applied mathematics were introduced in 1992. The Institute of Mathematical Statistics was then established in 1993. The Master and Ph.D. program in mathematics were introduced separately in 1997 and 1999. In 2000, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics was renamed the Institute of Statistical Sciences. The aforementioned programs were integrated in 2009 and became what we know now as the Mathematics Department. In 2017, all the Ph.D. degree programs merged into one Ph.D. degree program in mathematical science.


Research and Teaching Features

The research interests of our faculty focus mainly on the following: geometric analysis, algebraic number theory, differential equation, applied mathematics, statistics, and probability.


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Teaching Characteristics

1.Value the development of mathematical and logical reasoning and analysis.

2.Apply mathematical knowledge to problems in other disciplines.

3.Appreciate fundamental research and encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration as well as 

  academic exchange.

4.Emphasize the implementation of personality education and counseling mechanism.


Five-Year BS/MS Program

The Five-Year BS/MS program is instituted to encourage distinguished undergraduate students in the Department to take graduate courses prior to receiving their BS degree, which will enable them to study continuously for a shorter period of time to receive their BS and MS degrees.


Optional Program

To prepare our students for the job market, the Department offers certificates with options in applied mathematics, statistical science, physical science, computer science, and management science. These programs are provided to keep students’ future career options open.


Curriculum Regulation


Career Opportunities for Graduates

Graduates with a mathematics degree can either go for a further study at home or abroad, or land a job in a wide variety of fields, e.g., research and development, information technology, finance, statistics, and teaching.


Contact Information

Tel:+886-5-2720411 ext. 61101 ~ 61105


