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(1) About us

The STEC (Southern Taiwan Earthquake Center) is located in the campus of the National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi County. The Chiayi County is at the deformation front of the collision of the Philippine Sea plate and Eurasian continental Plate, which creates a series of fold and thrust systems and leads to high seismic activities in the area. The highly populated southwestern Taiwan has been a crucial area for seismological researches. The STEC has played the lead role to plan and coordinate studies that include seismicity monitoring, earthquake precursors and seismic risk evaluation, which are essential for structural design, and emergency preparedness decisions and certainly seismic hazard reduction. Currently, the center is also carrying out a project to deploy a high density seismic array in southern Taiwan to improve the resolution of various geophysical studies. In addition, the STEC also devotes to researches related to other natural hazards, such as floods, poisoning hazards, debris flow, and conducts risk assessments to ensure the impacts of the abovementioned disasters are minimized.


(2) Research Topics & Tasks of the STEC

Promote Researches

1.Coordinate with relevant units and institutions for researches focus on hazard prevention, and the work of integrating resources.

2.Promote international academic exchange programs and cooperation.

3.Promote hazard evaluations and assessments of devastating disasters occur in southern Taiwan.

Technical Support

1.Assisting in planning at all levels of government agencies that are responsible for disaster prevention, rescue systems and operation units.

2.Assisting in analyzing disaster potential, risk analysis and scenario simulation to establish disaster prevention and response information system.

3.Assisting in disaster prevention, preparedness for hazards and drills, support urgent task.


1.Practical researches, information sharing and the establishment mechanisms to support maintenance management.

2.Assisting in assessments on operational capacity and demands, evaluations on the accomplishments of researches conducted by the center.

3.Compile hazard prevention curriculums and teaching materials, personnel training in programs of disaster prevention, disaster planning. Promote public education on

   hazard reduction.

Instruments Integration

Provide necessary aids to evaluate the performance of seismic instruments from institutions and organizations. Other mission is to deploy high density seismic array in southern Taiwan.

1.Establish a data storage and management system.

2.When a disaster occurs, the center can deploy a temporary seismic array promptly.


(3) Training

The training projects for the STEC focus on the following task:

  • Provide knowledge and techniques on deployment of seismometers in the field
  • Seismic data processing
  • Provide workshop and short courses on different approaches and computer software on seismic risk and hazard estimations
  • Offer earthquake education classes and workshops for the public, such as local communities, schools, local governments and agencies


(4) Facilities

Currently, the STEC has 18 Trillium broadband seismometers, 23 CMG-6TD broadband seismometers, two sets of MT, one set of instrument for Electrical Resistivity survey, a PC            cluster with 33 computers for efficient seismic data processing, and four personal computers.


(5) Personnel

  • Director:Dr. Chau-Huei Chen
  • Adjunct Research Fellows:Dr. Kuo-Liang Wen, Dr. Hung-Yuan Yan, Dr. Ching-Tian Chen, Dr. Wen-Yen Chang, Dr. Wei-Hau Wang, Dr. Sing-Ling Lee, Dr. Shin-Yuan Hung, and Dr. Chi-Feng Hsu
  • Post doctorial fellowships:Dr. Don-Ciang Wu and Dr. Yu-Lien Yeh
  • Assistants:Ms. Yi-Chia Su, Mr. Yen-Hsiang Kao, and Ms. Sin-Huei Hong


(6) Contact Us


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